Room for Improvement
The syndication market within equipment finance has evolved considerably over the last quarter century. The industry has changed from being a manufacturer-selling technique into a specialized financial service and it has grown from being a $125 billion-dollar industry in 1990 to a $1.1 trillion-dollar industry today.
In the wake of technological advances, the industry has plateaued and seen little innovation. New digital software technology provides an opportunity for syndicated loans and solutions unique to the problems faced by the syndicated loans market.
There’s always room for improvement within any industry and Syndication is no different. We already know there is a need and an opportunity for more efficiency and security in the syndication process which is evident. When we say process, we're talking about the sharing of information, tracking of deal activity and the analytics for reporting which all should be in one platform. Even with a front-end system like Salesforce, trusted partners are unable to access information.
There needs to be a common platform where both Buyers and Sellers can communicate, share sensitive information and track and report on deal activity. That one place you can go back to whether a month later after the deal closed or a year later to get information on what happened with a deal. Today, most Syndicators have to dig through a string of old emails to see what happened. That’s crazy, but that has been the world of Syndication for many decades.
For more information on how Syndifi is simplifying the syndication process click here.